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Our Net-Zero Commitment.

In line with our conference mission, Empowering today: Pioneering a sustainable tommorow, we are making LSEMUN a Carbon net-zero conference. 

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Here at LSE we are committed to sustainability. As a university we believe it is vital to be considerate of how our actions can impact the environment. LSE is committed to being net-zero, in the scope of Net-1, and Net-2 emissions, by 2030, in line with the UK's goals. We have hence taken the decision, in collaboration with LSESU Sustainability, to make our conference a net-zero one.

Countryside Scenery


To make this mission a reality, we have partnered with a professionally certified offsetter, 'Make it Wild', to achieve an official accreditation as a carbon neutral conference. We are meticulously monitoring our footprint and will be financing the regeneration of wildlife in a sustainable manner after the conference to take our carbon emissions out of the atmosphere. 

If you are a delegate, please complete our tracking form so we can get an idea of your carbon footprint.


To find out more about our partner's work - click below.

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